Sunday, March 4, 2012

Man-Candy Monday: Robert Downey Jr.

I've decided that Monday posts are going to be dedicated to my Man-Candy of the week: that is, those male celebrities that have inspired the kind of naughty thoughts and wicked fantasies that have you reaching for... well, you know.

This week's Man-Candy was decided upon when I sat down the other night to watch Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. If you haven't seen that movie, or the first Sherlock Holmes, then I highly recommend you stop what you're doing and go rent or download it. After you read this blog post, of course. Even if you're not into man candy, the film itself is just awesome. And I am completely in love with the way they shot the action scenes.

Without further ado, I present to you:

Robert Downey Jr


Quick Fact Sheet

Full Name: Robert John Downey Jr.
Age: 46
Height: Uh... 5 ft 8-10" (apparently different sources can't agree on this)
Sign: Aries
Hometown: New York, New York.
Relationship Status: Married to Susan Nicole Downey as of August 2005.
Quote: "I know very little about acting. I'm just an incredibly gifted faker."


Aside from the fact that he's a total hottie, I honestly respect RDJ. You'd think he had it made with parents who were already in the film industry and making his acting debut at the age of five, but in all honesty he should've been a walking statistic. He's had a very long, hard battle with drugs, and after all the actors in the past few years who have been dropping dead because of them, it's nice to see that he's come out on top.

I know you're thinking celebrity drug abuse is nothing new, but lets see how easy it is for you to kick an addiction when your wonderful, loving father puts a joint in your hand at the tender age of six. As Downey himself said, "When my dad and I would do drugs together, it was like him trying to express his love for me in the only way he knew how."

Fucked. Up.

Can you imagine how hard it must have been for him to get clean after so many years of doing drugs because it was the only way for him to bond with his father? That's a whole different kind of emotional dependence. Last I checked, your parents were supposed to support you and help you achieve your dreams, not be your fucking drug dealer.

But not only did RDJ manage to kick his addiction (admittedly after many years of going in and out of jail and rehab) but he's now risen to the top. He's put his life back together, has a wonderful family and a kick-ass career.

So, Robert Downey Jr, I salute you. And I'm honored to feature you on my blog for Man-Candy Monday.
